
Showing posts from June, 2023

Caffeine & ADHD

Hello everyone! How are we halfway through the year already!? It literally felt as though everyday from NYD has just flown by. As the above title states, I will be talking about how caffeine & ADHD work well together. And as luck would have it, this article on WebMD explains EXACTLY that! Obviously, as I intend on maintaining this blog to professional standards, I will be explaining everything into my own words, as I don't want to be lazy by just copying & pasting. This was another article which I have been saving for a long while,  (my unforeseen absence period) in case if I'm having trouble thinking of anything creative for me to publish onto my site.    Overview: It's not uncommon that people living with ADHD tend to display compulsive behaviour. If we look at drinks for instance, people living with ADHD often crave on caffeine. (Any in the above picture) They have a tendency to crave caffeine, mainly because of the excessive energy effects that comes with it. I

Embrace the unpredictable

Another week gone by too quick! Too quick, that I was genuinely struggling with what to make a post about for this week. But then I thought I'll just have a scroll through on Psychology Today to see what I could find. As the above title for this post states, I feel like I should share this article on here. Mainly because the title & statements sum up what I am currently going through in my life right now. Hence I picked out this article. Overview: You know, as they say: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're going to get" Which is true, because you don't know what your life is going to be like come at 20 years old, let alone when you are currently young as just 10. The overall point is, you just have to embrace everything you may face in life as it comes, as life is unpredictable like that. (Something I've always known) Source link:

2 ways to become everyone's favourite person

Evening everyone! I hope you've all had a good week doing whatever you're all doing. This morning, I decided to have a scrolling session on Psychology Today to see any recent articles that had caught my eye. And as the above title states, this was the most interesting one I had come across, so I thought about distributing what I had read onto here for you guys to see for yourselves as well. As of at this time of day, I'm too tired to be making this into a long post by using my own words, so I'll write out my overview & attach my source at the end. This is also because this article is too accurate for me to write out by using my own words. Or in other words, I cannot word what I had read in this article differently. Overview: This article will go into detail about the behaviours of people who have an intention to be everybody's favourite person. In terms of detail, the article will discuss the characteristics  of how an individual will be like towards other peopl