
Showing posts from August, 2023

Today's quote of the day (Explained)

Well, looks like summer is starting to come to an end... I know that it was a random thing to say, but I felt like saying it anyway! Moving on, I hope everyone is good & has been keeping productive, whatever that may well be. In my case, I've just been knee deep in work at Challengers Play scheme, as well providing myself with more better work opportunities for myself in the near future. (Something I might mention on here IF I get the job)  As the above title states, this QOTD shall be dedicated to my current busy lifestyle. Why does this chosen QOTD speak out to me? Well, this is due to the fact that my mental health always seems to be at its best when I am out & about doing stuff. This would also include my busy life, as I'm pretty much outdoors almost everyday doing something. Most of which are for essential reasons, such as work. That being said, this would define my high level of physical health, because I like to get out everyday & do stuff. By doing so, helps


If you have been reading through, or still have been reading through my blog posts, you may have seen that I have been slacking on getting them finished on the same date I have started them. This is due to the fact that I now have so many things going on in my life now that simply takes away my free time to be blogging on here.  As much as I do genuinely enjoy being busy, I also find it annoying that I am becoming too busy to be active on here doing what I love doing. Hence, I rarely have any time to be looking into what is happening in the world of psychology. Hence, my reason('s) for feeling so inattentive lately. If I was to be honest with myself at this point, it would be that I have been feeling drained when I try to type on here. To add onto that statement, I feel like I have to put pressure on myself just to keep myself active on here, let alone come up with another post to publish. It's not that I do not enjoy blogging anymore, or that I do not have a passion for psycho

The best way to understand people's behaviour

This is a post which will be relating to my job as a disability play/youth worker. Not only that, but I will also be dishing out tips & advice for the best way to get to understand children & young people with complex needs. What does a play/youth worker do? A play/youth worker is a member of staff who works on play or youth scheme, (or in my case, Disability Challengers) and basically gets to work with children & young people while they get to have fun playing on scheme. However, a playworker doesn't just play with children & young people, a play/youth worker also has an important job to ensure everyone is safe while playing on scheme. This is essentially called safeguarding. Going into safeguarding, I, as a play/youth worker, must keep my vigilance at all times when it comes to children & young people's behaviours. This is because behaviour can either be represented verbally or physically, which could eventually become a risk to everyone on scheme, as well

Why de-cluttering your room can lead to increased brain power

Evening all, hope you've all had a good & productive week! I certainly have, as I've been working at youthscheme from Monday - Thursday. Moving swiftly on, as the above title states, I know it's somewhat random, but it's the only article on PsychologyToday I could find that was interesting enough to talk about. Well, I for 1, think this article is interesting, because it tells you the different state of minds of living in a cluttered environment & a de-cluttered environment. Key takeaways: Let's say if you was to live in a household, where there was constant clutter surrounding you, and if you wanted to focus on doing 1 thing, like looking for something, your mind will end up feeling scatty, as you won't be able to find what you are looking for due to the ridiculous amount of clutter that interferes with your focus. This is because living in a cluttered environment has a tendency to make you into an unorganised person, as it will get your mind into the h

Today's quote of the day (Explained)

Wow... What a busy & hectic July that has been! I say that, as I've never had do so many things in just 1 month & 31 days. I suppose most of which had involved work related stuff + a bit of gettaway time in between. Makes me wonder if August will be the same outcome... (We shall see) Going back on topic, where the picture below, displays my chosen QOTD for this post.  As well as getting over my chaotic July, I have also this chosen quote to represent how I'm going to look ahead into the next 4 months of 2023. Back to the QOTD meaning, why shouldn't you look back? Well, the past is in the past, and it shouldn't be revisited. That being said, it's something that cannot be changed, regardless of how you feel about it. All you can do is just look right into what lies ahead for you in the future, as it can motivate you through each day until whatever exciting will eventually happen. Although to be honest, I could use this quote everyday, but I thought I would onl