
Showing posts from December, 2022

Wrapping up 2022 early...

As the title states, I will be publishing my last blog post of this year. This is because I intend to spend the remainder of the Christmas break in wind down mode. Meaning, I want to take a lengthy relaxation break. With that said, I shall plan to be back working on here sometime after new year. Not only am I signing off early, but I also want to utilise this time I've got now to briefly talk about what I want to do for next year, without disclosing too much information. There may even contain a small bit of evaluation as to how I feel about what I want to do for next year as well. What are my plans for 2023? Asides from doing what I already do now in terms of posting psychology content on here, I want to be looking into more deeper psychological stuff with a deeper meaning to something and distribute them on here. Moreover on that, I want to be able to use these deep psychological posts to inspire people reading by thinking how these psychological meanings are used to shape the wo

Tips for looking after your mental health at Christmas

Hi everyone, it may be the 3rd day into the Christmas week, but better late than never. The reason for saying this, is because I thought about sharing some useful insight that some people have to go through at Christmas.  Whilst I can understand that Christmas can be some people's most favourite time of the year by enjoying time with friends/family, enjoying their festive food/drink & celebrating like mad. However, I can also understand that Christmas is not some people's favourite time of the year either. In fact, it could may well even be some people's WORST time of the year. With all the said, I think it's important that we all spread mental health awareness in relations to what some people have to go through at Christmas, as well as managing to cope with whatever it is that they are going through. I have attached the source I was looking at, written by someone on Young Minds, which contains of the useful ways that help them to physically & mentally make it t

24 months of this blog...

Having realised what today is, (as the title states)  I wanted to talk about the soul purpose of the reason why I had decided to create this blog. But also, to compare what this blog is looking like now in contrast to where it all began out 2yrs ago. *I tried to make the picture above for this blog post as artistic as possible. I had to use my phone to do it all from scratch* When it had first started: When I had first created this blog, (12/12/2020)  I thought about using it to showcase my initiative. And my initiative happens to be posting content on all things psychology. I remember when I got my blog up and running, I became so motivated to making as many publishes as possible by only wanting to do professional content. What I mean by professional content, is that I would always post random topics consisting of psychological factors that would play a part of those topics. I even used to title all of them with the rhetorical question method, so it made the blog posts I used to do ba

My 2nd university open event experience (10/12/2022)

I was originally going to make this post last night, but I became too occupied with watching the England V France football game. Sadly, the Lions lost, courtesy of the French. And let's also not forget Harry Kane's missed penalty. Anyway, yesterday's experience was almost similar compared to last Saturday's experience. Although, I got to do some different things in this experience this time around. Here's my full takeaway of my 2nd open uni open day experience from start - finish... I arrived in Portsmouth shortly after midday to begin my 2nd university open event experience. Once I got myself checked in, I immediately looked for the building within the uni campus that I needed to go to. Fortunately, I didn't have too much of a far walk to get to the Psychology building, where the course talk will be talking place. The King Henry Building to be more specific. When I made my way into The King Henry Building, I went looking for the room I needed to be in for the c

My 1st university open event experience (3/12/2022)

OMG, I have just had one of the best experiences of my life! What I've experienced today has really opened my eyes to how psychology can go a long way into the world. It's not just my eyes that have opened up to everything I had seen today, my mind has also widely opened up to the mass amount of psychology careers there are out there. To prevent me from rambling on anymore, I'll go straight into the story from start - finish...   2 weeks ago today, (19/11/2022) I booked myself to go to my 1st ever university open event. Fast forward to after a fortnight of excitement later... I had the morning pleasure of trekking down to Solent University in Southampton for what was unknowingly an eye-opening experience. As I arrived at the building entrance, I was greeted by a member of the open event team who kindly made me feel welcome by handing me an open event programme. From that moment, I was deciding what to go and see. Whilst curiously scrolling through my programme, I saw that

From my pictured perspective: #3

Haven't done one of these in a long while... As it has now quickly become the 1st of December, I think it's safe to say that the weather in England has definitely plummeted to its average temperature. That being said, the wintery effects are significantly showing as well. In the picture below, wintery fog spreads around the background like a blanket, which was the foremost reason of why I decided to take the picture and thought about showcasing it on here. Backstory: Whilst on my way home from college, I was walking back through the grey surrounded fog in the typically freezing weather for December. As I happen to look around, I saw a perfectly good scene for me to snapshot a picture, which captures all the wintery scenery in one! I know people reading this will just think that picture looks depressing, but I can assure you, there's more of an effective explanation than just labelling the picture depressing of how it presents itself upfront. The way I choose to vision this