
The power of picking yourself back up after being knocked down

Hello all, I know I'm not active on here as much as I used to be anymore, but I wanted to come on here and reflect on how I've been feeling all week.  Let's just say, I've not had the best of weeks. Although it had actually been that way from Tuesday onwards. My outcome for this post, is that I can talk about what had made me how I have felt from Tuesday - Today, as well as use this feeling as a learning curb. The joined purpose of this post, is to inspire other people who may be reading this post to do the same if they happen to experience a similar week to mine. It had all started after Monday, where I needed to attend a special training course in order to start my new promotion at work. I felt like at the time: "It's just a course where I just have to sit and pay close attention to everything that has been said." "It'll be as easy as pie." However, it wasn't like that at all... Especially at the end of it, where there was a sudden asse

How having a hobby/habit makes you who you are

Hello everyone, hope you've all been keeping well. As this is the 1st off day I've got in what seems like an eternity, I thought I'd utilise this time wisely by talking about a video that I came across earlier in the week from MINDSET THERAPY. The video consists of a deep & powerful message of how having a continuous hobby or habit makes you who you are. This video really speaks to me, as I happen to be 1 of these people who have a hobby & a habit (several in fact) that formats oneself into who they are to this day which helps them to transform into a successful individual. Another way of explaining this meaning, is that you don't need dozens of educational qualifications to define who you are. Your intentions define who you are instead. It's not like you need to go for, or even obtain 11 different GCSE's just for the sake of proving to people that you are capable of doing something. Doing something out of pure passion & interest is what really spea

How it feels to be Neurodiverse

Hello all, I was originally going to make this post during Neurodiversity Celebration Week, but as usual, my work life had got in the way, and I had also went away during the end of last week just to unwind & relax after everything that has happened during my current crazy work life.  However, since today is World Autism Awareness Day, I thought about mixing them both together to form this titled post. First thing's first, I myself, am Neurodiverse, so I know first-hand how it feels to be just that. I also feel as though the very topic of Neurodiversity is still underrepresented in this county. Meaning, this is something that needs to be talked about more. During the first 12 years of my life, I had struggled to make sense of myself. I was oblivious to what I had that made me who I was. It was like my brain was trying so hard to make sense of everything, as if it was a computer but it couldn't... (Although I think it was mainly due to the fact I was probably too young to un

How working at Disability Challengers feels so rewarding

Hello everyone! I cannot believe it's now the 1st of March already?! I swear NYD still felt like it happened yesterday?! Anyway, enough hyperbole. I know it's been a month since I was last active on here, as my work-life is heavily getting in the way of that. Especially with my new job. However, I have an unexpected day off work today, so I thought I'd make an appearance back on here again. As the above title states, I feel like I should talk about how rewarding my job at Disability Challengers is, as well as how does it personally make me feel rewarded. For those of you who have never heard of Disability Challengers, it is a charity-based job where it primarily consists of interacting with children with disabilities, as well as providing them with fun activities. And as the company name states, every child comes with a unique set of behaviours. Hence I also manage those children's behaviours whilst having fun interacting with them on scheme. Working at Disability Chall

How going out travelling makes me feel good about myself

Good evening everyone, and I hope you've all had a great week! Without sugar-coating things here, I'm just going to be honest and say that I have been reluctant to type on here lately. Mainly due to being too occupied with my life. Going into more detail on that, I have recently been working at Challengers on Wednesday's, doing Maths every Monday & Tuesday, and I am please to announce that I will be working every Thursday & Friday at my new job soon...! However, I have been trying to fit in my love for travelling in between. Meaning on the days I have nothing planned.  For as long as I can remember, I have always been a keen lover of travel, which is why I feel like talking about how travelling makes me feel good about myself. *The above picture was taken from my most recent trip up into Oxford, I had taken so many that it was hard to pick just 1😂* Whenever I get the chance to go out & explore somewhere where I haven't been to before, my mind gets a boost o

The psychology behind #BrewMonday

Happy beginning of the week everyone! If you follow and/or work for Samaritans or MIND, you would know for yourselves it's that time of year again. It's the day where the iconic mythical phrase "Blue Monday" transforms into "Brew Monday". Why? This is because we believe there is no such thing as a Blue Monday which occurs on the 3rd Monday after Christmas Day. Realistically speaking, anyone could have a Blue Monday.  The idea behind Brew Monday, is to gather people together using the fine innovative of involving a cuppa & a few other things. I can definitely see how the initiative is proving to be a big success with Samaritans, as they are passionate about connecting with people & communities by always providing a listening ear to their thoughts. In which, they are still thriving on to this day & age!  I can see how Samaritans must have thought to themselves: "If it's popular to have a cuppa everyday in reality, then why not create an an

What does the word 'Reflect' mean to you?

Hello all, and I hope you're all having a great 2024 so far! I know I'm 2 days late here with this post, but if I'm being honest, I really couldn't be bothered to post on NYE. Anyway, as the above rhetorical-questioned title states, I am curious to know what reflecting means to you. Does it consist of reflecting on yourself? Last year? (2023) Or even a few or more years back? Whatever your thoughts are, do feel free to type them in the comments. I personally, will be using this post to reflect on how 2023 has been for me. Although I'm not one of those people who tends to have a priciest opinion on how each year has been for me, I can definitely say, without a doubt & as a fact, that 2023 has been my best year so far. And I'll tell you for why... What does reflection mean to me? If I was to choose how to best answer this rhetorical question, I would say looking back over the past 4 years on how far I've progressed with myself, compared to where I am now t